Synapse Softworks↗
On a day-to-day basis, I handle policy, daily operations, intelligence gathering, and threat investigation at Synapse Softworks, a firm of cybersecurity professionals and software engineers based in Orlando, Florida. I also contribute to its brand design, communications, and human resources in my capacity as chief operating officer, as well as intermittently working on software projects and its websites. You may know of Synapse Softworks from its partnership with Roblox↗, for which we deliver operational security to its global users and developers.
Unicode Consortium↗
I am the chair of the Editorial Working Group↗ of the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit corporation devoted to developing, maintaining, and promoting software internationalization standards, also popularly known for its technical design and delivery of Emoji↗. The Editorial Working Group is responsible for the technical editing of specifications, charts, and data produced by the organization, and maintaining high quality documentation and presentation of materials for the publication of its standards.
Paroisse Saint-Clément de Beauharnois↗
I operate and maintain the technological stack of the Catholic Saint-Clément parish in Beauharnois, which includes developing and hosting the website, handling its donation (thites, mass fees, etc.) infrastructure, managing the email inboxes, and anything involving electronics.
Ahmadiyya Jama'at
I occasionally produce and maintain posters, publications, and other material for the eastern Canadian mosques of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at↗. I also maintain the Kaab'ot↗ tool and digital library for indexing and searching through the literary works of the authors recognized and trusted by the community, as well as searching and providing material related to the Qu'ran, Bai'at↗, and hadiths.
Programming, Technology
- SaaS: Microsoft Azure, Firebase, Supabase
- OS: Linux (Debian, RHEL, Fedora, Arch, SUSE), FreeBSD, macOS, Windows
- RE: IDA Pro, Cheat Engine, x64dbg, Binary Ninja
- Languages: C, C++, C#, Lua, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go, x86/x64 Assembly, HTML, CSS, Sass, Less
- Web frameworks: Next.js, SvelteKit, Astro, React, Preact, Tailwind, MDX
- Databases: SQLite, MSSQL, Postgres, MangoDB
- Customer management, sales: Monday, Pipedrive
- Product management: Trello, Monday, Jira
- Communications: Zoom, Teams, Slack, MEGA Chat↗
- OSINT: Maltego, SpiderFoot, ask me ;)
- Teams: Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Mattermost
- Office: Microsoft Office, Google Documents, LibreOffice
English (native), French (native), German (elementary)
I like cooking, camping, and reading religious literature. I consider myself creative and spend much of my free time writing. I have a strong work ethic and sense of commitment, but I must be provided freedom in approaching problems and the resources to tackle them. Natural sense of leadership.